A SHOT AT HAPPINESS Depression has been read across our face all along. Red lipstick can add the appearance of happiness to your face,...
We invite patients seeking to understand the benefits of our uniquely designed procedural care to telephone our patient care coordinator at 360.293.5500 and schedule a Comprehensive Esthetic Evaluation.
Throughout this evaluation, your medical esthetics providers will determine the pre-genetic factors influencing your individual Skin Type. There are various combinations of these factors, therefore a variety of Skin Conditions often co-exist. By fully understanding the nature, behavior, and condition of your skin, she will be fully equipped to provide you with newfound knowledge of your skin and it's highly sensistive, cellular and molecular components.
Your provider will then, confidently and collectively, take this information and share with you with their opinion of how we can safely and effectively deliver the results oriented, Restorative Therapies.
"Among the various conditions to be considered, these specific diagnoses remain the reasons as to why we believe in understanding how your skin reacts through all it’s cellular and molecular components, which form a complicated, sophisticated, and highly sensitive signaling network. By fully understanding your skin we can take appropriate precautionary measures to ensure you are respond harmoniously to all of the constituents in the products and procedures we offer."
"With your assistance, your skin care professional will categorize your skin by understanding the pre-determined genetic factors of your skin. This diagnostic technique will equip your skin care professional to understand how they contribute to your skin conditions."